Raspberry PI – installatie van OpenCV met broncode

Installatie van OpenCV op Raspberry PI met de broncode van OpenCV. Configuratie:• Raspberry PI met 120GB SSD: Buster, armv71 (32-bit).• OpenCV versie 4.5.2 (feb’21). Installatie volgens de Terminal instructies van PyImageSearch. Ik heb de installatie van OpenCV met compileren van de broncode uitgevoerd. Volgens PyImageSearch zitten daar enkele interessante algoritmen bij (Non-Free algorithms). De hele

Technical Note: Using a Python virtual environment in Jupyter notebooks

When testing or using various Python packages, the risk is that the new packages mangle the current Python installation, or, are in conflict with the current Python installation. Python virtual environments are an answer to solve this kind of problems. A Jupyter notebook uses a “base” installation when the Anaconda distribution is installed. How to