I’ll start a series of articles about the making of a weatherstation. A weatherstation is a perfect project for starters, and you can make it as complex as you wanted. For me, it is also a focus to learn MicroPython. My intended audience are those who want to learn MicroPython to control microcontrollers, such as […]
A new area is on the horizon
Starting soon a new series of articles about MicropPython, a new kid on the rock for microcontrollers. Stay tuned…
NAO robots take over the world …
Ever wanted to see 20 robots dancing on the music of Bolero? This is your change. After 1:50 minute it starts…World Premiere, Nao Robots Dancing in Synchronized Harmony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t1NWH6G1f0#t=499 And they play soccer too…. RoboCup 2011, finals: Nao-Devils vs. B-Human: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QiN6a73Sf4